Looking for Options to Stop Foreclosure in Richmond, VA?

A local real estate investment firm specializing in the purchase of distressed properties, RVA Home Buyers, LLC is helping homeowners looking to stop foreclosure on their houses. The firm specializes in the pre-foreclosure or short sale process, pay cash, and can settle in as little as 7 days. When faced with possible foreclosure, homeowners should … Continued

Facing Foreclosure? Should I Consider a Short Sale

Often, when homeowners are facing foreclosure, they feel like they have no options.  In many situations, however, this is not the case.  For example, a short sale can be much more attractive to homeowner versus the property going to foreclosure. Whether you are the homeowner or buyer, there are and disadvantages and advantages associated with … Continued

Buying Richmond, VA Rental Properties

Buying a rental property can be very lucrative and an excellent way to build equity by allowing your tenants to pay the expenses of owning the property. However, as in all real estate investments, it is very important to buy wisely to help ensure you buy a cash cow and not a money pit! Here … Continued

Facing Possible Foreclosure and Need a Solution in Richmond, VA?

  Options to Stop Foreclosure RVA Home Buyers, LLC, a local real estate investment firm specializing in the purchase of distressed properties, is helping homeowners looking to stop foreclosure on their houses. The firm specializes in the pre-foreclosure or short sale process, pay cash, and can settle in as little as 7 days. When faced … Continued

Avoid Mortgage Paying Trouble for Richmond Property Owners

You may think it’s only the homeowner who has a hard time paying the mortgage, but as a real estate investor or landlord, there may be times when it’s hard to pay the mortgage on your end as well. Here are some things you can do to avoid facing difficulty in paying your mortgage each month. Keep … Continued

How to Sell a Home that Needs Repairs

Do you need to sell your home fast in Richmond, VA, but don’t have the time or money to complete all the required repairs?  If so, you have a number of options that depend on your current situation. The easiest and quickest option is to sell your home to an experienced real investor. Most investment … Continued

Important Steps to Selling a Vacant Home in Richmond, VA

Summer is busy when it comes to moving and many homes in Richmond will not be sold before the homeowners need to move out. This creates a concern for sellers as to what they should do if they want to continue to keep it their homes on the market for sale. Making sure that a house … Continued

Benefits of Working with RVA Home Buyers

When homeowners and investors partner with RVA Home Buyers, they receive many benefits that they would not get by working with another investment firm or a typical  real estate company.   Our experience and focus is to assist those that need to sell their homes quickly and at a fair price.  We understand how difficult it … Continued

RVA Home Buyers Offers Solutions to Stop Foreclosure in Richmond, VA

Richmond, VA (May 5, 2015) – RVA Home Buyers, LLC, a local real estate investment firm specializing in the purchase of distressed properties, is helping homeowners to stop foreclosure on their houses. The firm specializes in the pre-foreclosure or short sale process and can settle in as little as 7 days. When faced with possible … Continued
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