Vacation Home vs. Investment Property: Financing and Taxes

Introduction Vacation homes and investment properties are both great ways to build wealth in the long term. But they’re not created equal, and it’s important to consider their differences before making a large purchase. Vacation homes can be financed through a mortgage or through an equity line of credit (or HELOC), whereas investment properties require … Continued

Vacation Home vs. Investment Property: Management and Maintenance

Introduction Vacation homes are a great way to enjoy the benefits of home ownership while also earning some extra income. But if you’re like me, you probably don’t want to spend all your free time managing and maintaining your vacation home. Luckily, the management and maintenance of a vacation home isn’t as complicated or time-consuming … Continued

Vacation Home vs. Investment Property: Purpose & Income

Introduction We’ve all been there: You’re looking to invest in real estate. One day it’s a vacation home, and the next it’s an investment property. The difference is that one may be better for you than the other—but how do you know which one is right? As an investor, I’m here to help. Let’s take … Continued

Choose the Right Hybrid Real Estate Agent

Introduction Real estate agents who are also real estate investors have the advantage of being able to sell your home quickly and for top dollar. They can do this because they have both traditional real estate skills and experience as a home seller and investor. Let’s look at how hybrid agents work with clients, what … Continued

Benefits of Working with a Hybrid Real Estate Agent

Introduction There are many reasons why people choose to work with a hybrid real estate agent. Hybrid agents have a unique set of skill sets that allow them to help their clients in ways that traditional realtors cannot. Below, I’ve outlined some of the major benefits of working with a hybrid agent. Be aware of … Continued

What is a Hybrid Real Estate Agent?

Introduction In today’s real estate market, it’s more important than ever to find the right agent for you. While the internet has made it possible for people to buy and sell homes without ever having to leave their living room couch, nothing beats working with an experienced professional who has your back every step of … Continued

Property with Liens or Title Issues

Introduction You have decided to sell your home. You have had it for a number of years and it has been a great place to raise your family, but now that you are getting older and need more space, you want to downsize. The only problem is that there is an old unpaid utility bill … Continued

Property with Structural Issues

Introduction If you’re selling a home, one of the most important things to consider is how to market it. Real estate agents will tell you that the single most important element of selling real estate property is location. But that’s not all there is to it. You also need good photos and a nice listing … Continued
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