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3 Things Investors Should Know About Being a Landlord to a Multi-Family Property in Richmond

3 Things Investors Should Know About Being a Landlord to a Multi-Family Property in Richmond

Investment properties offer the opportunity to build wealth and create a passive income stream that provides investors with the finances and the freedom to spend their time doing the things they enjoy in retirement with security. And because rental rates tend to keep pace with inflation, you can continue to live out your life on your terms. But, of course, it takes wise investment choices and an investment strategy that offers a diversified real estate portfolio to hedge against the impact of inflation and economic downturns in any one sector of the market. 

Multi-family properties are a thriving market sector, with a current vacancy rate nationwide running at about 5.0 percent in 2022, with a forecast for the trend to continue. And demand for multi-family property continues to rise. In addition, multi-family properties offer economy of scale; for instance, the time and money spent on one transaction you purchase several rental units, saving time and money. Likewise, when it comes to repairs, you only need one service call to perform repairs on a shared roof, for example, saving you on repairs and service call fees. So read on as we explore three things investors should know about being a landlord to a multi-family property in Richmond.

Tenant Screening

The importance of tenant screening is one thing investors should know about being a landlord of a multi-family property in Richmond. As crucial as performing due diligence when considering a property for investment, the tenants you put in place are the lifeblood of the business. However, you must also safeguard yourself from legal action by following local, state, and federal laws governing landlords and tenants to place the highest quality tenants possible into your investment property. Taking the time to perform each step will create a much less stressful experience as a landlord. In addition, your diligence in carrying out all screening steps, including checking references of all types, protects the property from high damage rates and improves the other tenants’ overall quality of day-to-day life. Finally, like the pros at RVA Home Buyers, working with a professional property management team means you can rely on the industry’s most up-to-date tenant screening process to anchor your multi-family investment income.


In addition to lining up your financial ducks and finding great investments, the importance of team building to your business is something investors should know about being a landlord of a multi-family property in Richmond. As a real estate investor, networking is necessary to build a team and create meaningful partnerships for your business. Many causes of severe damage often start as a minor fix, such as an infestation of pests or leaks, wherein you could face significant damage if ignored. When there’s an emergency and no one to call, you can be sure you’ll have unhappy tenants. Therefore, your team members should be reliable and professional service providers who perform routine maintenance and repairs. These highly sought-after tradespeople are priceless assets for real estate investors. Like the property management team at RVA Home Buyers, hiring professional property managers with a dream team of the most reputable tradespeople in Richmond built through years of networking will allow you to sleep soundly at night.

Tenant Retention

Happier tenants are tenants that stay in place, which is another essential thing investors should know about being a landlord of a multi-family property in Richmond. Communication is the key to success, so start with straightforward leases, and be firm with your tenants on sticking to the guidelines. No one likes surprises, so by laying all of the terms out clearly, you won’t have dissatisfied tenants in place because they didn’t understand the lease. You should also make the guidelines about what maintenance within the units is the tenant’s responsibility; realistic expectations help eliminate disappointment for tenant and landlord. Your responsiveness to your tenants and attentiveness to their needs will pay off over the long term in lower turnovers and less time and money spent marketing to pursue new tenants.

When it comes to the things investors should know about being a landlord of a multi-family property in Richmond, you can rely on the seasoned professional investors at RVA Home Buyers to help you with every step. From locating the best multi-family property available to suit your investment plans to placing tenants and managing those properties, the professional team at RVA Home Buyers makes it easy for investors like you. When you work with RVA Home Buyers, your success is our success; let us help you make all the proper steps and sit back as you watch your dreams of passive income in retirement come true. Whatever you believe is stopping you from beginning your investment journey, the professional investors at RVA Home Buyers have experience with obstacles and have solutions to help you overcome any hurdles. At RVA Home Buyers, your success is our success. Call RVA Home Buyers at (804) 420-8515.

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