Hybrid Real Estate Agents


There has been a lot of changes in the real estate market over the last few years. We have seen a massive increase in the number of people buying property as an investment. Our team is unique and we offer a range of services including residential sales and rental, commercial properties and specialist fundraising. Check out all the reasons why to call us when looking for a Real Estate Professionals in Richmond, including Innovative Marketing Strategies and Strong Ethics.

Our team is unique and we offer a range of services

Our team is unique and we offer a range of services. We are not just real estate agents, but also real estate investors and this gives us a unique perspective on the real estate market. Our local knowledge and experience allows RVA Home Buyers to offer our clients the best possible service when buying or selling property in the area.

We know the market

We know the area, we know the market and we know how to get you the best deal possible.

We are a team of hybrid real estate agents which means that we are not just real estate agents but also real estate investors, gives us a unique perspective on the real estate market, we have first-hand experience of investing in properties in the area. This allows us to provide you with advice on what properties will be good investments or not and give suggestions on how you can improve your home value if it is currently for sale.

We have a vested interest

As hybrid real estate agents, we have a vested interest in making sure that you get the best possible deal whether you are selling or buying a property. We know the market and will use our expertise to help guide you through the process.

Our experience has taught us that there are many variables that can affect your decision-making process when buying or selling real estate. From understanding current market conditions, negotiating with vendors/sellers and lenders, negotiating contracts with lawyers and conveyancers etc., there are many things which need to be considered before making any decisions regarding purchasing property as well as after settlement date has been reached.

Popularity of rental properties

The last few years have seen an explosion in the popularity of rental properties with many people turning into landlords. The number of landlords has increased dramatically over the last decade and it is still rising at a significant rate. This increase can be attributed to several factors:

  • More people have been able to afford their own home due to record low interest rates, which means they are no longer renting and can afford their own property
  • There are more lenders willing to offer loans for this type of investment as well as more types of mortgages available on offer (e.g., interest only)
  • Landlords have become more aware that they don’t need all their money tied up in one place; instead they can invest some in stocks or shares while keeping some cash handy for emergencies or other investments

Many investors have purchased their first property as an investment

Many investors have chosen to purchase their first property as an investment. Investing in property is a great way to grow your wealth, but it can also be a good choice for someone who wants to live in and enjoy the home they are investing in.

The main reason why many people invest in real estate is because it isn’t always subject to the same fluctuations as other investments like stocks or bonds. For example, if you buy a stock at $50 per share and then sell it later on when its value has gone up by 50%, this may not be as profitable as buying a house with similar value growth over time (assuming no inflation). But even though these two scenarios seem similar on paper, there are significant differences between them. You won’t get any tax benefits from selling shares of stock until after you’ve held onto them long enough (usually one year). Owning offers more advantageous tax benefits (talk to your accountant for specifics base on your situation).

Contact RVA Home Buyers today

If you’re looking for a professional and experienced hybrid real estate agent, contact RVA Home Buyers today. Our website is [website]. You can also find us on Facebook at [facebook page]. If you’d like to get in touch via email, please send an email to [email address]. Alternatively, if you’d prefer to talk on the phone instead of sending an email, we have our number listed right here: (804) 420-8515.


We have a team of expert hybrid real estate agents who are ready to help you with your next property purchase or sale. If you’re looking for an experienced agent who can give you advice on all aspects of the buying process and sell your home quickly, contact us today!

Give Us a Call Today at (804) 420-8515

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