When planning to move, there is a lot of upfront work that you need to do. By the time you pack all the stuff you have acquired into boxes, hire movers, and write the checks, your head is probably spinning with other things that still haven’t been done. Fortunately, RVA Home Buyers can help by providing a comprehensive list of items that you should consider when moving into your new home.
Catch up on home maintenance.
It may seem backwards, however, the best time to paint, replace carpeting, or do other home repairs and renovations is actually before you begin to move into the new home. If you know the new home you’re purchasing needs a little work, plan time to hire professionals or do these items yourself well in advance of your move-in date. It is much easier and less expensive to do the work before you move.
Enroll the kids in the new school ASAP.
Regardless of the time of year, it is important to communicate with your child’s school as soon as you know where you are moving. Have your child’s records transferred to their new school and give administrators as much notice as possible to help ease the transition. Be sure to get a school supply list and reading list if they are offered. If there is an event where your child can meet their new teachers before the school year starts, plan to attend.
Remove the clutter – throw it out!
Do a quick inventory of your home and see what you can sell or donate prior to moving day. This will help lighten your load, lowering moving costs and making the unpacking process less stressful. Donations are tax deductible as well, so keep your receipt for a nice surprise in the spring.
Get a head start.
Even if movers do the heavy lifting, try to pack valuable items such as heirlooms or gifts with sentimental value yourself. This takes pressure off your movers and allows you to keep track of how these items are packed, where they are located, and even ensure they make it into your vehicle instead of the moving truck. Be sure to use lots of bubble wrap and packing paper for fragile pieces!
Sweat the small stuff.
It’s easy for small items to get lost in the shuffle, so it is that much more important to keep medications, pet accessories, and a first aid kit close at hand. Pack a suitcase to last you through the final day of moving out and the first couple days of moving in to your new home so there is no panic to find the box marked “clothes.”
Change your address.
Most companies will allow you to change your address online, which makes this process much easier than it sounds. Be sure to update your records with the Arizona Department of Transportation, postal service, your local bank, insurance companies, and any organization that sends you a monthly statement. Sites such as Shutterfly make it easy to order change-of-address postcards for friends and family.
Forward your mail.
Despite your best efforts, some mail is going to slip through the cracks. The Post Office offers mail forwarding for a very low cost, which guarantees mail will reach you for a six-month period of time. As each forwarded piece of mail comes to your new home, you can decide whether you would like to update your records with that company or unsubscribe from mailings.
Write thank you notes.
Chances are, you didn’t move by yourself. At some point you used a real estate agent, moving company, or the services of a friend. About a week after your move, sit down with a stack of cards and jot out two or three notes to people you really feel went above and beyond to help you. Sealing and sending notes is a great way to make the moving process seem final, and the people who helped you will appreciate the acknowledgement.
Moving is a big job, but with these tips it doesn’t have to be a stressful experience. If you are having a hard time selling your property so that you can move to your new home, please give us a call at (804) 420-8515 or go to our website. We will buy your home for cash and in “as is”” condition.
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